Friday, February 17, 2012

Baby Equipment Info and Compatibility

While recently searching a ridiculous number of sites and trying to decide on the best equipment for baby, I came to an extremely important conclusion; there is not one site that through either product information, online chat or even customer service call centers that offers complete and accurate information regarding the complete inclusion/exclusion or compatibility of products.

This situation requires that the customer proceed with an exhausting and quite intensive search over the internet, in stores and through personal opinions. Now, I consider myself an intelligent internet user/searcher, but even with my search experience I found it a bit difficult to find the exact information I was seeking regarding the products I wanted to buy (in this case a car seat and stroller base.)

So, here is a listing of helpful options should you find yourself in a similar situation.

First, try to narrow down your options/selections/wants to a few. Read as much as you can about the actual product, and even try calling for more product information if you think that will procure results. If you live in an area that houses the actual retail stores that hold your product, you may want to make a quick stop and try the hands-on elimination and evaluation process.

Next, while looking online, read as many reviews on the product page as you possibly can. Thank goodness people take the time to write reviews, because you can often find the answer you are looking for without going through the same awful experiences that many reviewers do. Reviews can be found on almost any website that offers a product, so just make sure you check out a couple different locations and really get a good feel for the general consensus of the product.

Note: If you write a review, try to include your experience with product compatibility to save someone else the extensive search.

Now, once you have exhausted your immediate resources, try asking around your group of friends or other individuals who have perhaps been in your same position, and see what worked best for them.

If you are like me, all of these steps can be time-consuming, and you really just don't have much of a desire to do them. However, if you do, you will be able to make the best decision that you possibly can. To help aide you in your baby products search for information, there are multiple sites that offer question entries and give feedback from people who have "been there and done that." An excellent example was this question and answer website known as baby center and it proved to be extremely helpful due to the continuous and updated feedback that is provided. You can ask almost any question, and in my experience, you almost always get an answer. All that is required is a quick registration, and of course you can always opt out of the email updates list.

If you are anything like I, not only do you want the most bang for your buck, but you also want to be sure you are getting quality and safety (the best) with your purchase. It is SO important to not only read reviews of functionality and compatibility, but to check out as many regulatory and test-reviews sites that you can. Some, such as will require a subscription, but there are hundreds of government-funded sites that are free of charge and will give you all the info you need.

Happy shopping!